Requirements for the exam:
- Designate a competent person to examine each working place at least once each shift before work begins or as miners begin work in that place, for conditions that may adversely affect safety or health
- Promptly initiate corrective action when adverse conditions are found.
- Promptly notify miners in affected areas if adverse conditions are found and not corrected before miners are potentially exposed.
- Withdraw all persons from affected areas when alerted to any conditions that may present an imminent danger, until the danger is abated;
- Make a working place examination record before the end of the shift for which the examination was conducted
The examination record must include:
- Name of the person conducting the examination
- Date of examination
- Location of all areas examined
- A description of each condition found that may adversely affect the safety or health of miners that is not promptly corrected
- The date when the described condition is corrected.
Mine operators must:
- Maintain the examination record for at least one year
- Make the examination record available to MSHA and miners representatives, and provide a copy upon request.